    StartNewsGeneration Z is more ambitious than Millennials, survey finds

    Generation Z is more ambitious than Millennials, survey finds

    Young people from Generation Z (born between 1997 and the early 2010s) show higher levels of ambition and are more curious than the Millennial generation (born between 1981 and 1996). This is one of the conclusions of the research carried out by Hogan Assessments, in partnership with the Brazilian consultancy Ateliê RH, a pioneering distributor of the tests in the country.

    “The problem is that an image has been created that Generation Z young people are not as ambitious as previous generations, and that they prefer to have a better quality of life,” says Roberto Santos, managing partner of Ateliê RH. “In fact, Generation Z has de-romanticized the relationship with work. They are more interested in making money,” says the expert.

    A survey conducted by YouGov in 2024 on generational differences in Latin America indicates that, in reality, the biggest difference between Generation Z and other generations is the fact that these young people have a completely different relationship with their professional path: only 43.5% said they love their work – the lowest number among all generations compared by the study (Millennials, X and Baby Boomers). In addition, 47.4% of young Latinos are much more focused on making money than on advancing in their careers, according to the research institute.

    “Another point that sets Generation Z apart is their approach to learning – young people prefer formal learning over a more practical approach,” Santos points out. Messages, posts, books: reading is valued among young Gen Zers, who read more (59%) than their Millennial predecessors (53%). This habit is already reflected, for example, in libraries, which have been given a new lease of life: their most frequent visitors are between 16 and 24 years old, according to a survey conducted by Ibope/Instituto Pró-Livro last year.

    “On the other hand, Gen Z can get bored more easily than their predecessors. And this difference occurs, in large part, because these young people are digital natives – for them, the screen experience has been part of their daily lives since an early age – when the iPhone 3G arrived in Brazil, in 2008, the oldest children of Generation Z were 11 years old. The instantaneousness of obtaining information and relationships is something normal, unthinkable for previous generations”, highlights Santos.

    Is arrogance a problem for this generation?

    Common sense and research conducted by magazines and consultancies point to arrogance as a major “Achilles heel” of these young people, as they have disproportionate expectations regarding their career progression, overestimating their own competence. It is also reported that young people are less open to criticism and feedback – which has affected their progress in jobs.

    On the other hand, the Hogan Assessments study, considering the Brazilian population, does not indicate that the “Arrogant” scale of the Hogan Challenges Inventory differentiates the Millennials and X generations, perhaps slightly in relation to the Baby Boomers. However, it is worth noting that in the global sample for all generations, the index of this scale is significantly lower but follows the same pattern that it is not a typical tendency of Generation Z.

    The question remains as to whether, particularly in Brazil, the tendency to display arrogant attitudes is also linked to disillusionment with the work environment, and a negative outlook towards the market in general, and a distrustful attitude towards the promises of the corporate world.

    Altruistic and business-minded

    Despite often being portrayed as detached or uninterested in their careers, Gen Zers demonstrate a strong concern for social impact and business ethics. Hogan Assessments research found that they score significantly higher on the Altruism scale, which indicates a strong desire to contribute to the well-being of society and be part of companies that have a purpose and positive impact.

    This is reflected in the way they choose their employers and the brands they engage with. Companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to diversity, sustainability and social responsibility are more likely to attract and retain Gen Z talent. This characteristic can pose a challenge for organizations that do not have a clear alignment with these values, as this generation tends to avoid brands that they consider inconsistent or involved in questionable practices.

    At the same time, Generation Z young people show a significant interest in financial issues and business strategies. The research revealed that, compared to Millennials, they are less motivated by scientific and academic values and more motivated by financial gain and commerce. This data reinforces the idea that, for this generation, professional success is directly linked to remuneration and financial stability, and not necessarily to prestige or hierarchical advancement.

    The Hogan study used as a basis tests completed by 23,000 people in Brazil between 2001 and 2022. The analysis was conducted by comparing the three main Hogan assessment instruments: the HPI, which describes the normal personality, or the “bright” side of the personality; the HDS, which assesses the “shadow side,” which manifests itself in behaviors that appear in times of stress; and the MVPI, which measures a person’s motives, values, and preferences, helping to understand what drives them. The Hogan assessments were created based on a methodology specific to the corporate world.

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