With e-commerce on the rise and people increasingly seeking immediate purchases, overcoming bottlenecks to move production has been a challenge for industries and logistics warehouses spread throughout Brazil.
One of the most common challenges is the lack of efficiency at docks. According to data from the National Transport Confederation (CNT), trucks spend up to 40% more time stopped at docks — time that could be used to speed up deliveries and positively impact the entire production chain. The Dom Cabral Foundation points out that, in 2024 alone, logistics costs in Brazil reached 12.7% of GDP, above the global average of 10%.
For Marcelo Lonzetti, RTLS technology specialist and director ofztrax, the Brazilian market has fallen behind in terms of innovation when compared to its global peers in the industry. Therefore, he advocates the use of technology to reverse this situation:
“Knowing which dock is operating with greater or lesser productivity is a simple task with the support of the right technology. Real-time dashboards and performance indicators are needed to achieve the agility required worldwide.”
The company recently launched a new product called the “Productive Dock” kit, which combines real-time tracking technology for people and assets with operational adjustments at the docks — key areas where trucks load and unload. The goal is to streamline the flow of incoming and outgoing cargo, reducing idle time and increasing efficiency.
In initial tests reported by the company, the system has already shown a reduction of up to 30% in waiting times in some operations. Lonzetti reinforces the importance of innovation:
“Delays at docks, lack of visibility in deliveries and saturated infrastructure are old acquaintances in the sector. This game needs to change with tools like RTLS (Real-Time Location Systems). Solutions like these provide concrete data for decision-making, without emotions or guesswork — only based on real information.” concludes the expert.