    StartSeveralCoursesESPM promotes free meetings on Marketing, Branding and Artificial Intelligence with experts...

    ESPM promotes free meetings on Marketing, Branding and Artificial Intelligence with market experts

    ESPM, a leading school and authority in Marketing and Innovation focused on business, promotes three free meetings with market experts to discuss topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Marketing and Branding.

    On March 18th, Instituto Caldeira, a hub that connects people and initiatives through innovation, hosts theLifelong Learning Experience, an event that will address “The challenges of marketing and professionals in the area for 2025”. Alice Oliveira, CMO DELL Brazil and Global Social Media Dell, and Natália Bischoff, Branding and Business Director at Jorge Bischoff, will participate in the debate. The mediation will be conducted by Roberta Krause, professor of the postgraduate course and innovation coordinator at ESPM Porto Alegre. Registration atlink.

    In addition to the in-person meeting at Caldeira, on March 17 and 25, two free, open classes will be held online: “Effectiveness in marketing and branding in times of uncertainty” and “Exploring artificial intelligence”. The classes are part of the Prime MBA in Marketing and Branding and the postgraduate course in Business Management, respectively. Interested parties can register atsiteof the institution.


    Lifelong Learning Experience – The challenges facing marketing and professionals in the field for 2025

    Date: March 18th

    Schedule: 7pm to 9pm

    Location: Caldeira Institute – Tv. St. Joseph, 455 – Navigators, Porto Alegre

    Speakers: Alice Oliveira, CMO DELL Brazil and Global Social Media Dell, and Natália Bischoff, Branding and Business Director at Jorge Bischoff

    Information and registration:here

    Free Event

    Open Class: Effectiveness in Marketing and Branding in Times of Uncertainty

    Date: 03/17/2025

    Time: 7pm

    Format: Online, via Zoom

    Speaker: Gustavo Ermel, Partner and Director of Strategy and Innovation at SPR

    Course: Prime MBA in Marketing and Branding

    Information and registration:here

    Open Class: Exploring Artificial Intelligence

    Data: 25/03/2025

    Time: 7pm

    Format: Online, via Zoom

    Speaker: Guilherme Bertoni, Founding Partner of Getsdone Educational Solutions and professor at ESPM

    Course: Postgraduate in Business Management

    Information and registration:here

    E-Commerce Update
    E-Commerce Update
    E-Commerce Update is a leading company in the Brazilian market, specialized in producing and disseminating high-quality content about the e-commerce sector.


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