    StartSeveralWays to escape the traps that imprison digital entrepreneurs

    Ways to escape the traps that imprison digital entrepreneurs

    Digital entrepreneurship is constantly growing in the country, with 54% of Brazilians consuming some type of digital product, according to a survey by the National Confederation of Retail Managers (CNDL). This market, however, is also full of traps for entrepreneurs. It is to warn about these dangers and show how to face them that the CEO of Digital Manager GuruAndre Cruz,publish the bookPolitically Incorrect Guide for Digital Entrepreneursfor theDVS Publisher

    Throughout the book, he presents practical ways to undertake business freely in the virtual world, but staying away from platforms that exploit businesses and do not generate rewards. With a direct and unfiltered approach, Cruz denounces how “pay-only-to-sell” sales systems make their users hostage to abusive fees and a lack of autonomy. According to the CEO, with the advancement of the digital market, many intermediaries have started to position themselves as owners of other people's businesses, restricting control over sales, data and customers.

    “This dependence on platforms needs to be broken, as it is a dynamic that favors digital fraud, especially with the proliferation of 'courses for selling courses'. A market has been created that profits by selling dreams and false promises to those who seek shortcuts and allow themselves to be carried away by illusions. Without autonomy, many professionals end up working for the interests of third parties, while seeing their own earnings compromised”, shares the author.

    The book is structured in four parts. In the first, the author proposes a critical look at the business model of traditional platforms. Then, he shares his successful trajectory as founder of Digital Manager Guru, a fairer and more transparent alternative for those seeking independence. Next, he reveals the values, principles and strategies that have always guided his ventures, and ends with practical advice for those who want to grow without depending on intermediaries.

    With over 20 years of experience in the digital market, André Cruz not only points out the problems of the system, but also presents solutions and alternative paths for those who want autonomy and real growth. Recommended for digital entrepreneurs, small business owners, information producers, marketing professionals and anyone interested in provocative analyses, this guide is essential reading for those who value direct content without “pretty packaging” for uncomfortable truths.

    Politically Incorrect Guide for Digital Entrepreneursis an invitation to reflection and transformation. A call to action for those who want to escape the trap of the digital world and build a profitable business without depending on third parties. With accessible language and content full of real experiences, the book stands out as an indispensable manual for those who want to free themselves from the constraints of the traditional market and take control of their own destiny in the digital universe.

    Technical sheet   

    Title:The Politically Incorrect Guide for Digital Entrepreneurs – A manifesto to challenge the system, change the game and take online business to the next level
    Publisher:DVS Publisher
    Author:Andre Cruz
    ISBN: 978-6556951423  
    Pages: 167  
    Price: R$ 74,00  
    Where to find:Amazonand the country's main bookstores

    E-Commerce Update
    E-Commerce Update
    E-Commerce Update is a leading company in the Brazilian market, specialized in producing and disseminating high-quality content about the e-commerce sector.


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