    StartArticlesThe main mistakes during the consumer journey

    The main mistakes during the consumer journey

    Previously more reactive during consumer relations, customers now tend to dictate the rules to companies.A study by McKinsey & Company showed, for example, that 71% of users expect personalized interactions from companies, and 76% feel frustrated when this does not occur. In addition to this,rise from Accenturepoints out that 91% of consumers are more likely to buy from those who make relevant offers and recommendations that match their tastes.

    For this reason, companies from various segments have invested in increasingly improving the consumer journey on their platforms. Generally, this path is divided into the following stages: awareness, consideration, decision and purchase. By understanding each topic well, in addition to offering personalized solutions that fit into the daily lives of their target audience, these companies are able to better understand the channel and the most appropriate time to do so, building loyalty among their users. To give you an idea,Boston Consulting Group studyshows that leading companies in Customer Experience (CX) grow 190% more than the average.

    However, some mistakes are still made during this process. This can lead to losses and the loss of important customers, who do not feel respected or represented by a particular brand. This is proven by researchManager's Yearbook: CX Trends 2024, which shows that 58% of consumers abandon a brand after a negative experience.

    Therefore, in order to educate Brazilian companies to have a perfect and noise-free consumer journey, below are the main mistakes to be avoided during this stage:

    • Fragmented approach

    Many companies often deal with multiple suppliers and contracts when managing the customer journey. Taking financial services players as an example, there are valuable processes such as KYC (Know Your Customer), credit checks, and even income estimates and predictive assessments.

    However, in some cases, this large set of information ends up being very fragmented and makes work inefficient, since relevant data can be stored in different systems, which generates rework and makes it difficult to develop more assertive insights. In addition, the use of multiple platforms results in a very high cost for the business.

    Here, the most important tip is to try to centralize everything, preferably by hiring a unified solution that integrates all these capabilities into a single platform. This way, the player saves time and resources, being able to access relevant information more easily, which optimizes their strategy.

    • Lack of updated customer information

    To maintain a close relationship with the customer, it is important to always be up to date on relevant aspects of their lives, such as the channels they use most when making purchases, most popular products, preferred payment methods, most effective forms of contact, etc.

    However, most Brazilian companies still do not invest in obtaining this information, which results in attitudes that drive away their users, such as making contact at bad times, offering products that have nothing to do with their tastes, contacting the customer through a channel they are not familiar with, lack of a history of interactions, etc.

    Connect Shopper Surveypoints out that only four out of every 10 retailers really know their customers. The same study also points out that around R$12 billion is lost due to misleading offers, and less than 25% of these companies have any basis for investing in targeted strategies.

    To solve this problem, there are now Artificial Intelligence solutions on the market that, combined with data analysis, provide relevant information to players. It is now possible to go a little beyond the traditional, mapping multichannel interactions, online behavior, tax records, profession and even relationships with competitors.

    • Not adopting an omnichannel strategy

    A survey by Opinion Boxshows that 90% of consumers expect companies to have a multi-channel service strategy, with 77% of them saying they have already purchased goods through different channels. In addition,a survey by Deloitteshows that customers who move between the same player's different points of contact tend to spend 82% more than those who limit themselves to just one.

    Therefore, not investing in an omnichannel strategy can be detrimental to the business, causing potential customers to turn away from the brand because they feel undervalued by it. By integrating communication between different channels, companies increase user satisfaction and, as a bonus, offer a more personalized experience in the purchasing process, avoiding noise and promoting greater loyalty.

    Just for context, aMcKinsey & Company surveyshows that companies that invest in omnichannel have a 10% increase in market share.

    Igor Castroviejo
    Igor Castroviejo
    Igor Castroviejo is commercial director at 1datapipe.


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